Frequently asked questions

Where was Baby Gourmet founded?

What is the Heart of Baby Gourmet?

Is Baby Gourmet GMO-free?

Is the packaging BPA free?

Are your pouches recyclable?

Where are Baby Gourmet products made?

Where do you source your ingredients from?

How do you keep your food "good" for so long? Do you use preservatives?

Are the older branded products still good?

Why are some of the puffed snacks a different colour?

What is baby-led weaning and baby-led feeding?

What do you recommend for first foods at 6 months?

When can I start giving my child your cereal?

Can your baby cereal made with water instead of breast milk or formula?

How long can Baby Gourmet food be stored after opening?

Can Baby Gourmet be frozen?

Can I reheat your food?

Can I pack Baby Gourmet in my check-in luggage? Are the pouches perishable?

Why does my pouch have a dark plug?

Can you squeeze Baby Gourmet directly into a baby's mouth?

Where can I find Squoosh?

Do you sell in the US?

Which products have been discontinued?